February is Heart Month

Sky MattixBlog, Health

What is Heart Month?  For over 60 years the Heart and Stroke Foundation has organized Heart Month. It is has become one of the largest fundraising campaigns in Canada. February is widely recognized as the month of love. Ahem, Valentine’s Day. It will come as no surprise that February is also a month dedicated to raising awareness for cardiovascular health. While it may be endearing to have your heart skip a beat for the love of your life or for your breath to be taken away, make sure the experience is one of love and not that of oxygen loss or abnormal heart rhythm. …

How to Respond to an Emergency

Sky MattixBlog, Safety

How to Respond to an Emergency: Step-by-Step Would you know how to handle an emergency? Here is a brief step-by-step guide to remind you how to handle yourself and others when it comes to an emergency situation: Remain Calm The most important thing when facing an emergency is to remain calm. Remaining calm will help anyone else involved in the situation present their selves in the best way to move forward to help those affected and potentially save lives. Keep People Away from the Site and Situation When an emergency occurs it can draw a lot of attention. It is …

Family First Aid & Heart Safety in the Home

Sky MattixBlog, Safety

Family First Aid & Heart Safety in the Home Because it is officially #HeartMonth 2018 the First Aid Canada team feels it is important to kindly address safety within the home. The home is a place we spend a large amount of our time each day and night. Both family and friends will continually be guests the home so it is important to be prepared with a first aid kit and an automated external defibrillator.  Below you will find our reccomendations for transforming your home into a fully prepared and safe one! First Aid Kits & Supplies First Aid Canada is …

How to Save Lives in Your Workplace

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

How to Save Lives in Your Workplace Office safety is crucial in any workplace. If you haven’t had the opportunity to read up on the Provincial Safety Requirements for your province on our blog you should definitely do so by clicking here or finding your province below: British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec Newfoundland & Labrador Nova Scotia  New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Along with an adequate first aid kit is important to have an Automated External Defibrillator onsite in the office. Cardiac arrest can occur at any age and it has even been recorded that the most common time for …

How to Seal Wounds With Powder

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

What if we told you when you were distances away from medical care you could seal a wound that would normally require stitches with powder? You would probably doubt it, but the truth is this is actually possible with the help of WoundSeal. WoundSeal is a non-prescription powder bandage which can be applied to external wounds that have blood, such as skin tears. The powder is made of a hydrophilic polymer and potassium ferrate and forms a waterproof scab when mixed with blood within seconds. The scab naturally falls off once the wound has healed. WoundSeal is also hypoallergenic and …

Are You Cottage Ready?

Sky MattixBlog, Safety

Are You Cottage Ready?  With the weather heating up it has many of us daydreaming of our future cottage days… Lying on the dock, cruising in the boat and of course jumping into the lake. With great fun comes all the more need to be prepared when an emergency presents itself. Because cottages are often in remote locations being prepared to handle injuries both big and small will prevent hospital visits and allow for more fun to be had at the cottage!  Here are a few of our recommendations for items to have onsite at the cottage:  Adventure Kit  Smaller kits, such as the First Aid …

Which AED is Right for Me?

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

Which AED is right for me? Shopping for a defibrillator can seem quite intimidating due to all of the different models, manufacturers and high prices. First Aid Canada is happy to provide four different types of defibrillators; all of which are trustworthy, easy to use and set at appropriate prices. This blog is designed to help you discover the best defibrillator for your life and your needs. Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator Are you looking for a defibrillator for the home? Defibrillators for the home are highly recommended with for individuals with health and heart concerns. If heart disease is a …

Signs, Symptoms & Treatment: Frostbite & Hypothermia

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

Frostbite Exposure to below-freezing temperatures causes frostbite. Frostbite can affect any area of the skin, however is most common in hands, feet, face and ears. It is important to understand the symptoms of frostbite to prevent this serious condition from progressing. Signs & Symptoms Aching pain Numbness Skin feels hard and waxy Skin is white and/or gray-yellowish in colour Treatment If you are without immediate medical attention and believed you are dealing with frostbite call a doctor right away. Begin by finding shelter, ideally indoors Do not attempt to thaw the frostbite as this can cause permanent damage Remove all …

Saskatchewan Workplace First Aid Requirements

Sky MattixBlog, Provincial First Aid Requirements

Saskatchewan Workplace First Aid Requirements The first aid requirements for businesses in Saskatchewan vary depending on the number of workers actively employed at one time, the type of industry/potential for hazards and the proximity/travel time to a medical facility.   For the most current regulations, refer to Table 9 to 12 (pg. 262 of 304) of the  Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act. Below is a summarization of requirements: 1 Worker Close (< 30 min) Saskatchewan #1 Kit Distant (< 2 hours) Saskatchewan #1 Kit Isolated (> 2 hours) Saskatchewan #1 Kit 2-4 Workers Close (< 30 min) Saskatchewan #1 …

Ontario Workplace First Aid Requirements

Sky MattixBlog, Provincial First Aid Requirements

IMG Courtesy of Ace Work Gear, http://www.aceworkgear.com/brands/milwaukee-power-tools Ontario Workplace First Aid Requirements All employers covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act in Ontario are required to have specific first aid equipment, facilities and trained personnel in all workplaces. For more detailed information see Regulation 1101 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. For a brief summary on the requirements of different organizations by number of employees please see below: Organizations with 1-5 Employees: Employers must ensure their first aid station containing an Ontario Section 8 Kit is at all times in charge of a trained employee holding a valid Emergency First Aid certificate. …

Tips for Staying Safe in the Sun and Treating Burns

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

Tips for Staying Safe in the Sun & Treating Burns As the weather heats up it’s important to keep sun safety in mind. Although the sun can be very enjoyable it’s important to understand the negative effects of prolonged exposure and how you can prevent it from causing you discomfort or long term effects.  Suntans and Sunburns Although it may be your summer goal, suntans are dangerous as they are a version of sun damage. Consistent or lengthy unprotected exposure to the sun can cause moderate to severe sunburns (ie. Radiation Burns). Even though suntans/burns do heal over time, prolonged …

How to Use Heat and Ice to Treat Injuries

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

Reccomendations for Staying Safe at the Cottage There’s no better season than cottage season. With summer approaching quickly it’s important to be sure you’re ready for your first weekend of relaxation. First Aid Canada is here to provide you with the products to keep safe over the summer season in the comfort of your cottage. Below are the minumum, mandatory items each cottage kit should contain: The Basics (necessary items): Fabric Bandages Sterile Towelettes Antiseptic First Aid Ointment Gauze Pads Safety Pins Splinter-Out Tape Water-Jel Cool Jel (for burns) CPR Face Shield Croc Bloc Sunscreen Croc Bloc Insect Repellant AfterBite …