Tips on Preparing Your Cottage for Summer Summer is just around the corner and at First Aid Canada we want you to be fully prepared to make the most of it. Cottages are a great way to escape the bustle of the city and spend tranquil time amongst nature. Because being in a cottage can leave you quite secluded and far from resources such as doctors or paramedics it is important to prepare yourself for emergencies to avoid pain, trauma and hospital visits. In addition to our fully stocked Cottage Kit, which comes in both Standard and Deluxe sizes, there are a few …
Are You Cottage Ready?
Are You Cottage Ready? With the weather heating up it has many of us daydreaming of our future cottage days… Lying on the dock, cruising in the boat and of course jumping into the lake. With great fun comes all the more need to be prepared when an emergency presents itself. Because cottages are often in remote locations being prepared to handle injuries both big and small will prevent hospital visits and allow for more fun to be had at the cottage! Here are a few of our recommendations for items to have onsite at the cottage: Adventure Kit Smaller kits, such as the First Aid …