Ontario’s New AED Registry: A Lifesaving Step for Cardiac Emergency Response

Deborah FarlowBlog, News

  The Ontario government’s recent announcement to launch the province’s first Automated External Defibrillator (AED) registry is being widely applauded by health advocates and organizations alike. Heart & Stroke, a key champion of heart health in the province, has hailed this initiative as a monumental step toward creating safer communities and improving emergency response times for cardiac events. For the first time, Ontarians will now be able to easily locate lifesaving AEDs in their communities when every second counts during a cardiac emergency. This new registry, led by the AED Foundation of Ontario, will provide a centralized platform for residents, …

Winter and Your Heart: Navigating Cardiovascular Risks

Deborah FarlowBlog

Winter brings more than just frosty temperatures; it may also impact our cardiovascular health. Let’s explore the connection between cold weather and heart concerns, along with practical steps to safeguard your well-being. The Cold Snap and Cardiovascular Risk: Studies suggest that exposure to cold weather can strain the cardiovascular system, potentially leading to increased blood pressure, blood clot formation, and a higher heart rate. Protecting Your Heart in Winter 1. Bundle Up: Dress warmly to reduce the body’s stress response. Layer clothing and cover extremities to maintain body heat. 2. Stay Active: Opt for indoor exercises to counteract the sedentary …

How and Why an AED Can Save Lives in Ontario

Sky MattixBlog, Safety

What is an Automated External Defibrillator? If you haven’t heard by now, an AED is a medical device that is designed to restore a normal heartbeat to a distressed individual by sending a corrective electric pulse to their heart. It may be used to stop or correct an arrhythmia, which is a heartbeat that is irregular, too slow, or too fast. Though it may seem intimidating at first, these devices have been tailored for public use and require minimal training. Many health and safety-conscious companies are placing defibrillators in their workspaces, so read on and learn how to use an …

5 Ways to Fundraise for an Automated External Defibrillator

Sky MattixBlog, Giving Back

5 Ways to Fundraise for an Automated External Defibrillator With Automated External Defibrillators being a high priced item, yet essential for saving lives in heart-related emergencies it can be contemplative determining how and when to make the purchase. Defibrillator stories are continuously in the news and we are avid readers, Like us on Facebook for daily news stories related to lives saved by defibrillators and stories of how other people are fundraising for the cause worldwide. Luckily, the First Aid Canada team has put together a few ideas to help kick-start your fundraising campaign for a defibrillator: Community Bottle Drive Community bottle drives are …

Why Everyone Should Know How to Operate a Defibrillator

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

Why Everyone Should Know How to Operate a Defibrillator Unfortunately, Sudden Cardiac Arrest continues to be a leading killer worldwide. Regardless of age, health or location SCA continues to strike unexpectedly, thus it is important to be prepared. The First Aid Canada Team highly recommends defibrillators in community centres and public settings, as well as in the home. For every minute someone has to wait before defibrillation after suffering SCA, their chance of survival decreases by 10% making an AED onsite crucial for saving lives.  If you are unfamiliar with how an Automated External Defibrillator works, check out our blog: …

Which AED is Right for Me?

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

Which AED is right for me? Shopping for a defibrillator can seem quite intimidating due to all of the different models, manufacturers and high prices. First Aid Canada is happy to provide four different types of defibrillators; all of which are trustworthy, easy to use and set at appropriate prices. This blog is designed to help you discover the best defibrillator for your life and your needs. Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator Are you looking for a defibrillator for the home? Defibrillators for the home are highly recommended with for individuals with health and heart concerns. If heart disease is a …

Welcome to Heart Month 2015!

Sky MattixBlog, News

Every 7 minutes in Canada, someone dies from heart disease or stroke. In fact, it is expected that incidences of heart disease and stroke will increase in the upcoming generations due to poor diets (including high sodium intake), increased stress and sedentary work environments. Heart Disease Facts Nine in 10 Canadians (90%) have at least one risk factor for heart disease or stroke (smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes) The leading cause of hospitalization in Canada continues to be heart disease and stroke, accounting for 16.9 % of total hospitalizations (19.8% of all hospitalizations …

The SHOCKING Truth Behind AEDs

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

You’ve seen them around. In the metal wall containers in subway stations, in malls and community centres…AEDs are everywhere. Why? Because they work. When your heart needs it, along with effective CPR, an AED can save your life by kickstarting your heart back to normal. To understand how, you have to know a bit about how your heart works. Your Heart is a Muscle It’s about the size of your fist and is in the upper left side of your chest (just off the centre). And your heart has an incredibly important function. It pumps blood to all areas of …