Surviving the Heat: Understanding the Risks to Your Heart

Deborah FarlowBlog

As the summer sun beats down relentlessly, it’s crucial to be aware of the dangers posed by extreme heat, especially if you have underlying heart conditions. Heatwaves not only test our endurance but also place significant stress on our cardiovascular systems, increasing the risk of heart attacks, cardiac arrest, and strokes. Understanding these risks and taking proactive steps before an adventure, such as investing in an AED and learning CPR/First Aid Training, can make all the difference in staying safe this summer. Heart Conditions and Heat: A Dangerous Combination Extreme heat affects everyone, but those with heart conditions are particularly …

Tips for Staying Safe in the Sun and Treating Burns

Sky MattixBlog, First Aid

Tips for Staying Safe in the Sun & Treating Burns As the weather heats up it’s important to keep sun safety in mind. Although the sun can be very enjoyable it’s important to understand the negative effects of prolonged exposure and how you can prevent it from causing you discomfort or long term effects.  Suntans and Sunburns Although it may be your summer goal, suntans are dangerous as they are a version of sun damage. Consistent or lengthy unprotected exposure to the sun can cause moderate to severe sunburns (ie. Radiation Burns). Even though suntans/burns do heal over time, prolonged …