Safety Tips for Canadian Summer Camps

Blue Flamingo SupportBlog, First Aid

Safety Tips for Canadian Summer Camps Summer is almost here and we know that means your little ones are looking forward to attending Summer Camp or you, yourself have the joy of working or volunteering at one! Did you know First Aid Canada is a Preferred Vendor of the Ontario Camps Association? Canada is a beautiful country to explore and discover which is why we want to minimize any possibilities of leaving the great outdoors to see a doctor or head to the hospital. By being fully prepared and stocked with first aid supplies injuries can be minimized, and hospital …

Finding the Right Camping Kit for You

Blue Flamingo SupportBlog, First Aid

Finding the Right Camping Kit for You  Are you taking advantages of the beautiful, Canadian summer? If the answer is yes ask yourself if you are prepared. Camping is one of Canadian’s favourite activities during the summer months, but they can also yield unexpected and traumatic incidences, thus it is important to be prepared for when these accidents may occur. Luckily, First Aid Canada has multiple first aid kits for hiking and cottages, etc. as well as products to treat burns and heal wounds, such as WoundSeal. There are a few kits that are popular among Canadian campers so we …

Treatment for Unpleasant Insect and Outdoor Interactions

Blue Flamingo SupportBlog, First Aid

Treatment for Unpleasant Insect and Outdoor Interactions  If you’re checking out this blog it is most likely you missed last week’s blog on Preventing Unpleasant Insect Interactions and have found yourself in a sticky, or itchy situation! Luckily we have a few great products to introduce you to, which can help you in these situations: Solarcaine First Aid Lidocaine Spray Solarcaine First Aid Lidocaine Spray is a cooling spray by feeling, but also provides fast relief from pain associated with superficial wounds, minor burns, sunburn, wind burn and itching. This spray also contains aloe and vitamin E to soothe and rehydrate dry …

Our Review of The Survival Expo 2015

Blue Flamingo SupportBlog, News

Our Review of the Survival Expo 2015 The Survival Expo 2015 took place on August 8th and 9th at the Scotiabank Convention Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The expo was filled with survivalists of all types and exhibitors supplying all types of needs from essential oils to machetes. Hundreds of people filled the venue in search of products and ideas to up their survival game and to attend various wilderness and survival seminars. Off Grid Living, Edible Wild Food and Urban Beekeeping were amongst the list of seminars to attend at this year’s show. @thesurvivalexpo proves to be a success …