Manitoba Workplace First Aid Requirements

Blue Flamingo SupportBlog, Provincial First Aid Requirements

Manitoba Wokplace First Aid Requirements

Manitoba Workplace First Aid Requirements

The first aid requirements for businesses in Manitoba are based on the number of employees working on a given shift.One Manitoba Kit is required for every 25 workers to a maximum of 4 kits. A first aid room is required for 100+ workers. For the most current regulations, refer to Part 5: Section 5.1 – 5.15 (pg. 68 of 355) and Schedule B & C (pg. 77 of 355) of the Manitoba Workplace Health and Safety Regulations.

1 Employee

1 Manitoba Personal First Aid Kit

1-24 Employees

1 Manitoba First Aid Kit

25-50 Employees

2 Manitoba First Aid Kits

51-75 Employees

3 Manitoba First Aid Kits

76+ Employees

4 Manitoba First Aid Kits

100+ Workers

First Aid Room

Automated External Defibrillators

Automated External Defibrillators or AEDs are reccomended in all workplaces and inside homes. These devices save lives every day as cardiac arrest and heart attack can happen at any age. First Aid Canada offers a variety of AEDs, find the one best suited for you by clicking here.

If you have any questions regarding first aid and safety in the workplace, please do not hesitate to contact the First Aid Canada Team.

Life is Precious. Be Prepared.