How to BEAT the Summer HEAT!
Sunshine brings the best out of Summer – boating, picnics, hiking, swimming, etc. There is no shortage of outdoor activities when you are Canadian and the weather is in your favour.
However; the sun can also be a very dangerous with its powerful UV rays and intense heat.
Spending time outdoors in the sun means being prepared whether this is sunscreen, hats and shade or keeping hydrated with water. Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind this Summer.
UV Protection
It is important to note that even when the sun may not be shining and the sky appears overcast there is still the possibility of getting a sunburn.
Be prepared by remembering these simple tips:
- Always bring a hat or visor to shield the sun’s powerful rays from your head and face, or even an umbrella.
- Bring UV protective sunglasses with you.
- Always wear sunscreen – First Aid Canada offers different varieties and sizes which can be found here.
- If you get burnt apply a cooling agent or aloe vera immediately to refresh the skin and protect against further damage. Find examples of helpful products here.
- Be sure to spend time in shade to allow your body to cool.
- Reapply sunscreen after swimming, even if the protection is labeled “Waterproof”
- Always bring a refillable water bottle that is BPA free.
- Be sure to drink at least 2 litres of water each day.
- Hydrate frequently in the intense hours of the day, usually the sun is at it’s most powerful between 11:00-3:00.
- Avoid diuretics such as caffeine, this will help you keep your hydration.
How will you enjoy the sunshine of Summer? If you enjoy spending your free time at the cottage we think you will really enjoy our blog: Tips on Preparing Your Cottage for Summer.