What is Heart Month?
Heart month happens every February! Heart Month is meant to spread awareness of heart disease and stroke to promote prevention, and at the same time raise money for research on the best treatments when people do get it.
Who is behind Heart Month?
For over 60 years the Heart and Stroke Foundation has organized Heart Month. It is has become one of the largest fundraising campaigns in Canada in the battle against these two preventable killers. Since its inception, tens of thousands of individuals and both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations take part including, various charities, health organizations and companies such as First Aid Canada.
What can I do to help?
Heart Month brings together tens of thousands of Canadians who volunteer and donate to raise funds to help support life-saving research and the raising of awareness of heart disease and stroke within the community. Learn how you can participate and join the Heart Month Community.
You can also spread awareness about heart health to your friends, family and coworkers by having conversations about the reality and prevention of heart disease. By taking the time to learn more about keeping your heart healthy you can educate and help the people in your life. Here are some simple tips on how to prevent heart disease and heart-related incidences:
- Quitting smoking
- Avoiding alcohol
- Exercising regularly
- Eating a healthy diet
- Avoiding high cholesterol foods
- Managing Stress Well
For the month of February First Aid Canada will be publishing a new fact daily on social channels to help raise awareness of #HeartMonth. Follow the First Aid Canada #HeartMonth campaign on these social platforms:
As a company we challenge you to “share if you care.” Help prevent what is preventable when it comes to heart disease and stroke and learn more about how you can save lives…
Every year, over 40,000 Canadians suffer sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) – that’s one incident every 12 minutes. For every one minute delay in defibrillation, survival rates decrease by up to 10%. Automated External Defibrillators can be safely used by almost anyone and offer the best chance of survival from cardiac arrest. In recognition of Heart Month 2016, First Aid Canada will be offering a 10% discount on all AEDs for the month of February.
For more information, please contact us at 1-855-322-4243.