Safety on the Ice: Fishing & Skating

Sky MattixBlog, Sports Safety

Pond Skating

Safety on the Ice: Fishing & Skating

Canadians look forward to the winter for the great outdoor activities such as ice fishing and skating or playing hockey on frozen ponds. These activities are great amounts of fun however can be extremely dangerous. There are many precautions to take before stepping onto a frozen pond and here are some of the things you should know:

Create a Plan

It is important to create a plan of where and when you are going to participate in ice activities. It is also just as important that you share your plans with another person who will make sure to check that you arrived home safely at the end of the day. If an emergency situation occurs it will be beneficial to have someone who can easily track your route and help lead emergency personal to you.

Be Prepared

 Whether you are going out for a trip or just the day it is important to bring along the necessary safety supplies to ensure easy recovery if anything goes wrong. When heading out into the Canadian Wilderness the First Aid Canada team recommends the Wilderness Kit, Hikers’ Kit or one of our Emergency Survival Kits. These kits contain products to treat minor injuries and if injury risk is a lot higher or the trip is longer it is highly recommended to bring along an Emergency Survival Kit which comes in sizes to suit 1 person and 1-2 people.

Recognize if the Ice is Safe

 Ice safety is judged by many factors including colour, texture, size of the body of water and local climate. It is advised to only participate on ice activities that have been determined safe by local authorities; these would be places such as national parks, resorts or clubs.

Observe the Ice You Are On

While on the ice be sure to look ahead and monitor the colour and texture. For example, if you happen to see the ice is appearing thinner and perhaps has a crack, it is recommended to proceed off the ice and let the local authorities know. Signs will be placed onto any areas that do not appear safe so keep caution.

May you have a pleasant time on the ice, but never fail to be prepared! If you have any questions about the kits mentioned above contact the First Aid Canada Team at 1-855-322-4243.

Life is Precious. Be Prepared.