How to Stay Safe on Halloween Night

Sky MattixBlog, Safety

Young boy playing in leaves ready for halloween

How to Stay Safe on Halloween Night

Trick-or-Treat! Halloween is just around the corner so the First Aid Canada Team is here to provide you with some safety tips to enjoy your night to the fullest, as well as safest:

Tips for Children

  • Trick or treat with you parents and/or groups of people
  • If you are heading out without your parents be sure to give enough time to return home by curfew
  • Wear reflective clothing or that which is vibrant colours
  • Avoid wearing masks, opt for face paints instead
  • Wait to cross the street at lights and cross walks and avoid from walking out behind cars
  • Bring a waterproof coat if there is a chance of rain

Tips for Parents

  • Plan a route in advance, be conscious about the weather
  • Educate your children on pedestrian etiquette and safety
  • Place the child’s name and number inside their costume
  • Inspect the child’s candy upon returning home
  • Keep in mind gum and hard candy can pose as a choking risk for smaller children
  • Be sure to wear reflective clothing if you are accompanying your child
  • Consider bringing along a small, compact first aid kit, such as our Belt Pack Kit
  • If you are not accompanying your child be sure to set a respectable curfew

Tips for Home Owners

  • Rake leaves any leaves as these can be extremely slippery
  •  Clear driveway and door path of hazards or obstructions
  • Have quality lights outside to guide guests
  • Provide allergy-conscious treats, such as those that are peanut-free
  • Providing small toys such as cars or bouncy balls is a healthy alternative
  • Use alternative candles in your pumpkins, such as those battery-operated

We hope you have a fantastic and safe Halloween. Please feel free to contact the First Aid Canada team should you have any questions on first aid and safety: 1-855-322-4243. Happy Halloween!

Life is Precious. Be Prepared.