Defibrillators Save Lives in Schools

Sky MattixBlog, Safety

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Defibrillators Save Lives in Schools

Having an AED onsite at school can mean the difference between life and death. Being September we felt it was important to go into detail of the value of having a defibrillator onsite within schools.

Age Doesn’t Matter

There is a common misconception when it comes to cardiac arrest, often people believe it can only occur in aging or unhealthy adults, when quite commonly children can suffer from sudden cardiac arrest.

Often when cardiac arrest occurs in children it is related to a heart condition that had not yet been recognized or diagnosed, so a seemingly healthy and active child can suffer from sudden cardiac arrest. It is estimated that 5,000-7,000 children die from SCA each year. In addition to children, adults working in schools may also be at risk for sudden cardiac arrest or heart attack, making an automated external defibrillator a very important piece of first aid equipment to have onsite.

If you are unaware of the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest, click here to check out a previous blog.

Easy to Operate

A common misconception about Automated External Defibrillators is that they are difficult to use, when in fact they are easy enough for a third grader to operate without having had previous training. The Onsite model of the Philips HeartStart Automated External Defibrillator provides step-by-step voice commands to instruct the individual using the device how to operate it in the case of an emergency. For more information and a demonstration check out the video below:

Easy Maintenance

Being an intellegent form of technology, many people misconceive that a defibrillator is hard to manage and maintain, when in fact it has been designed to not only be easy to use, but also easy to care for. The device automatically runs daily self tests to check the internal circuitry, waveform delivery system, pads cartridge, and battery capacity. The blinking green “Ready” light indicates the Onsite AED has passed its daily self test and is ready for use and when maintainance is needed an audible “chirp” will sound to identify attention needed.

In conclusion Automated External Defibrillators are highly reccomended within schools as both children and adults can benefit from them. It is important to be prepared in public places and an AED onsite can mean the difference between life and death. For more information on the Philips HeartStart Onsite Automated External Defibrillator, please click here.

Life is Precious. Be Prepared.