Back to School Safety 2017
It’s that time of year again!
Back to school can be both one of the busiest and exciting times of the year. With all of the new impressions in the forms of people and the seasons beginning to change it is important to never forget both preparedness and safety.
The First Aid Canada Team has put together a few simple safety tips this Fall to keep you and your loved ones prepared!
Look Both Ways
If you or your loved ones are walking to school or work this year it is important to not disregard the standard safety rules as a pedestrian. Although pedestrians have the right of the way, drivers on the road can be unpredictable. Keep yourself safe by keeping your eyes and ears open and alert before venturing onto the road.
Don’t Take Rides From Strangers
Take the time to remind your family not to take rides from anyone they do not know. Some schools have safe after school pick up programs which ensure each child is picked up by a parent or guardian, but for those that don’t, stay alert and stay safe. An additional tip is to provide your child with a sheet of information within their backpack of family members’ names and contact information in case of emergency.
During the month of September certain areas of Canada may still experience hot weather. Keep up to date with the local forecast of your area and be sure to put on sunscreen if the UV rays are out. Whether it be recess, lunch breaks or after school activities, it is important to shield yourself and/or your children properly from the sun’s harmful rays. First Aid Canada is pleased to offer Croc Bloc sunscreen which is available in both bottle and towlette form for convenience:
Croc Bloc Sunscreen Sachets – 30 SPF
For additional sun safety tips, check out one of our recent blog posts: Summer Heat and Sun Safety
First Aid Kits
Does your child know where the First Aid Kit is located in your home? How about their school? Be sure you, as a parent are educating them on this important topic, as well as their teacher. This is also a great time to check on the contents of your First Aid Kit; are there items needing replacement or replenishment? Could you use more bandages or gauze? All of these items and more are available on the First Aid Canada website and can be shipped directly to your door.
For supplies, click here.
Unfortunately, cardiac arrest can happen at any age, at any time. Take the time to educate yourself and your loved ones on both the Signs and Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest, as well as what an Automated External Deribrillator looks like. If your child’s school has an AED onsite, be sure to inform and show them where it is located and if their school does not yet have one, inquire within. AEDs are extremely important for public areas, as they can mean the difference between life and death. If you are unaware of the importance, check out our previous blog on The Importance of AEDs in Schools. Fundraising can be a great way to save for an Automated External Defibrillator and The First Aid Canada Team has also put a blog together on 4 Ways to Fundraise for an AED – Get inspired now!