Are you Prepared for your next Road Trip?

Sky MattixBlog, Safety

Woman in car

Are you Prepared for your next RoadTrip?

The Summer brings beautiful weather and vacations! Whether you’ve planned a roadtrip up to cottage country or one across the country this checklist will come in handy:

Route Check

Before heading out on your adventure be sure to check the road conditions ahead, such as those affected by weather or accidents. There are apps such as Waze, which can come in very handy, even on a shorter commute to work. Waze is a GPS app which will alert you of smaller road conditions such as potholes, but also larger issues such as traffic jams or accidents.

Vehicle Check

Prior to your trip be sure to check that your vehicle is up-to-date in all areas such as tires, oil changes, etc. Avoid any possible roadside emergencies by taking the time to have your vehicle checked over by a professional beforehand. The last thing you want to hear is your little one exclaiming, “Are we there yet!” As you attempt to change a tire.

Vehicle Distress Kit

Do you own a vehicle distress kit? First Aid Canada offers a variety of vehicle distress kits containing items which will aid in minor first aid to larger accidents and roadside issues. Our vehicle distress kits are available in small, medium, large and extra-large sizes.


This one is a given! But of course we could not forget it. Seatbelts are so incredibly important we needed to make sure this is included on the list. Newer vehicles have notification sounds in regards to setbelts being on, but it never hurts to souble check your passengers, especially the younger ones who may need assistance with their booster car seats.


Hydration is key every day. No matter if you are driving with the air conditioning on through Northern Canada, hydration keeps you healthy and alert. Reusable water bottles go a long way in Canada as we are a country abundant with fresh water! Staying hydrated means staying safe, drink up!

Stay Alert

Staying alert is key on a roadtrip. Rest if you feel the need to, this includes pulling over to the side of the road to take a nap if you need. Do not rely on stimulants such as caffeine or energy drinks to keep you focused on the road. The best thing you can do for yourself and your passengers is to take a simple rest to ensure safety.

Have an amazing trip!

Life is Precious. Be Prepared.


Songs to Save Lives

Did you know one of your all-time favourite songs could help you save a life one day? Or even save your life one day?

Cardiac arrest can happen at any time, any age or any place, which is why it is important to be as prepared as possible. If there is no defibrillator or emergency personnel around, call 9-1-1 and begin CPR. CPR could potentially save lives as taking immediate life-saving action can double or even triple a person’s chance of survival. If you wish to learn more about CPR you can check out any of our blogs:

NEW CPR Guidelines

The Importance of First Aid Training

Which AED is Right For Me?

Spotify has a playlist with a list of songs which are at 100-120 beats-per-minute, which is the proper beat to do CPR to. Take a look at this list and see if there is any tune to you know how to hum or sing to:


You never know whose life you could save one day. Get familiar with hands-only CPR, these songs and keep someone out there Stayin’ Alive!

Life is Precious. Be Prepared.