How to Recognize and Manage Allergic Reactions Recognizing an Allergic Reaction Allergic reactions happen when a person’s immune system overreacts to something usually harmless, such as food, pollen, bug stings/bites, or medications. Although very common, allergic reactions can be fatal so it is important to recognize the spectrum of symptoms occurring during an allergic reaction, what to do before help arrives and how to prevent incidences in the future. Mild Allergic Reactions: Hives Itchy skin Red, itchy eyes Nasal congestion, runny nose Rashes Moderate to Severe Allergic Reactions: Swelling of the hands, feet, lips, face, or throat Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, …
How to Make Your Restaurant a Safer Place
Are you in the service industry? Well then this blog is sure to come in handy. Here are some of our greatest tips on how to keep your work environment a safe one: Blue Detectable Bandages Have you ever been served a dish with something unpleasant and unexpected in it, for example, a hair? It completely ruins your meal and sometimes even your entire appetite. Could you imagine finding a bandage in your dish? Horrible thought, isn’t it? First Aid Canada proudly supplies restaurants with blue detectable bandages. These bandages are bright blue in colour and come in a variety …